Our Director, Mrs. Anne Demoisy, has more than 15 years’ experience in assessing and supporting HORIZON research projects (Horizon EUROPE, Horizon2020, FP7).
Consulting for the European Commission D.G. Research and Innovation, the Research Executive Agency (REA), the Innovative Medecine Initiatives (IMI) and the European Research Council (ERC) she has been conducting Scientific and Ethics evaluations of Horizon 2020 and HORIZON EUROPE proposals in multiple Calls.

Mrs. Demoisy also acted as Independent Observer for the European Commission evaluations in Science and Society.
She contributed to design several processes for the D.G. Research and Innovation Ethics Unit: the screening of proposals, their audit process or the set-up of evaluation ICT tools.
She is also taking active participation in multiple HORIZON EUROPE funded projects acting as external independent Ethics Advisor focusing on privacy and ethics issues.

has partners all over Europe
Our expertise covers Green Deal, Sustainable Development (SDGs), Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Protection, e-Health, Societal issues and Education. Our high level experts are called depending on each specific project’s needs.